[BDC-2010] judging criteria

Dan Heller dheller at ucsc.edu
Tue Apr 12 17:16:41 PDT 2011

Hey all -- this is what was used in last year's business competition for the
judges.  A similar (if not identical) set of guidelines will be given to
this year's judges.  I am going over this topic in the April 12 meeting.

*Guidelines for Final Judges for the 2010 Business Plan Competition. *

*These proposals are all at very early stages of conceptualization and
therefore they should be judged on the  articulation of their proposal,
identification of potential obstacles and plan for testing their ideas.  The
students have been instructed that financial projections are not required
because for the most part, a good deal more research and testing needs to
take place. Please do not consider whether you believe their ideas have any
potential in the market, or that there may be any revenue potential. Their
main learning challenge is to adopt proper research and methodologies
necessary to both devise and revise their ideas and consequent planning.*

*You are to evaluate their presentations on the following criteria:

   1. Did they define their mission in a clear, concise manner? Were you
   left scratching your head? Do they appear understand their challenge and are
   employing proper methodologies in their self-assessment?
   2. Are they well acquainted with the industry and market in which they
   plan to operate?  Are they clear about what they know and don’t know as well
   as how they intend to answer remaining questions?
   3. Have they described carefully and in detail their proposed product or
   service and how they intend to construct and test a prototype?
   4. Do they understand their barriers to entry? Have they given them
   proper weighting in their priorities in what problems to solve first?
   5. Does it appear that they've thought thoroughly about the problem from
   all sides? Have they oversimplified anything? Are their assumptions valid?
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